resident evil characters

these are the characters from umbrella and one from residant evil 4...

Rebecca Chambers

Rebecca Chambers
Blood Type: AB, Height: 5'3" weight: 90bs

Rebecca Chambers

As a younger member of the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo team, Rebecca's expertise in the manufacturing and preparation of pharmaceuticals makes her ideal for her role as rear security in watching over her teamates' health. In fact, it was uncanny aptitude in chemistry which helped her advance so quickly in school and ultimately graduate college by age 18. But don't let her youthful appearance fool you. Alongside Billy Coen, Rebecca's gone toe-to-toe with an entire train full of nightmarish monsters and come out ready for more.

Billy Coen

Billy Coen
Blood Type: A, Height: 5'11" , Weight: 163 lbs

Billy Coen

On his way to his own execution, this ex-2nd lieutenant of the U.S. Marine Corp was given a second chance when his transfer from Lexson base to his execution went awry. In a twist of fate, Billy found himself in hiding on a train, the Ecliptic Express, in the midst of a biological disaster in the Arklay Mountains when he met Rebecca Chambers. Rebecca was wary of this escaped convict until he proved his loyalty by saving her life. Billy was once a "top class assasin"; his unit was sent into a village in Africa to quell a civil war. Given false information, his unit became lost in the jungle and,when they eventually arrived at the settlement, is reduced to only four members. His refusal to follow orders and kill everyone in the village resulted in a military tribunal pinning him with the murder of 23 innocent people.

Chris Redfield

Chris Redfield
Blood Type:O, Height: 5'11", Weight: 177 lbs

Chris Redfield

No one is a better shot than Point Man and pilot on the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team than Chris. This battle hardened soldier has used everything from his fists to flamethrowers to fight off superhuman fiends, and his trusty knife is always at his side. His favourite weapon, however, is his samurai Edge which friend and teammate Barry took to the Kendo gun shop for customization. Chris uncovered Umbrella's lethal biological plans while trapped at the mansion, but was unable to prove anything after a sudden and mysterious cover-up. Chris then travelled to Europe in order to continue his own investigation, breaking off communication with his younger sister, Claire Redfield, to avoid exposing her to danger. It was Claire's imprisoment at Rockfort Island that brought him to her aid and eventually to Umbrella's secret lab in Antartica.

Carlos Oliveira

Carlos Oliveira
Blood Type: A, Height: 5'11", Weight: 161 lbs

Carlos Oliveira

Originally from a South American anti-government guerrilla group, his exact nationality is unknown, though he does have Native American ancestry. After government forces wiped out his former organization, Carlos was scouted out by the Umbrella Corporation to join the U.B.C.S. He joined up, and was assigned to Delta Platoon, Company A along with Nicholai Ginovaef and Mikhail Victor.
Carlos was put in charge of handling heavy weapons, along with other duties such as local procurement, rear security and arms maintenance. His expertise in weaponry and vehicle operation made him a valuable asset. Despite his violent background, he is warm-hearted and is known for joking around. Perhaps as a result of being raised amidst violence, he is brave and always willing to throw himself in the middle of danger. Also he teams up with Jill valentine in Racoon city to help her escape from the zombies and the wipe out set by Umbrella.

Jill Valentine

Jill Valentine
Blood Type: B, Height: 5'5", Weight: 111 lbs